Mobile streetside access

Today’s home buyers want instant feedback and they get it when you use GPS On-Location marketing and their smartphone to direct them to the listing detail on your website.

A prospect outside one of your listings can use his/her mobile device to text the word HOME to a short code or phone number that will immediately generate a return text. The return text will contain a link that will immediately send a list of the 10 closest properties to the prospect’s current location, using GPS. Typically, the first property choice will be the home s/he is viewing from the street.

Clicking the View property link will

  • Bring the user to the listing detail page on your company website.
  • Generate an immediate text to the listing agent that a prospect is in front of his/her listing requesting information. The text includes the prospect’s mobile number.

Internal GPS On-Location activity tracking reports are available to agents and management in real time.

  • Instant detail to prospect when s/he texts HOME to the designated number
  • Instant agent notification, including prospect cell number, when a property is clicked